Return to the Modern World

THOYT – Chapter 133 – Return to the Modern World

Darius smiled and took Talisa's hand. "We are an inseparable team, Talisa. Together, we have faced many obstacles and overcome many tests. This is only the beginning of our adventure, and I am very excited to step forward with you."

Talisa looked up at the stars and said carefully, "Darius, during this trip, I discovered a deeper truth about my father's murder. I discovered that your role in it was more complicated than I had imagined."

Darius looked at Talisa with concern. "Talisa, I want you to know that I never intended to hurt your father. The truth about that incident is gradually being revealed, and I am constantly struggling to prove my sincerity to you."

Talisa held Darius' hand gently. "I believe in you, Darius. We have been through so much together, and I know that your love for me is real. We will work together to uncover the conspiracy behind the murder and get justice for my father."