Reaching the Peak of Happiness

THOYT – Chapter 136 – Reaching the Peak of Happiness

They continued their discussion, discussing more details and strategies needed to realize their dream. They inspire and motivate each other, reinforcing each other's belief that they can make a difference.

As night falls, Talisa and Darius sit by the quiet river. The moonlight cast a soothing glow on the water. Talisa looked at Darius with a look full of love and confidence.

"Darius, thank you for being beside me all this time," Talisa said in a soft voice. "You are my source of strength and my driving force to be the best. I promise I will always love you and cherish you."

Darius returned Talisa's gaze with a warm smile. "Talisa, I'm very lucky to have you in my life. I love you with all my heart. Together, we can face all odds and achieve our dreams. I will always be by your side."