Chapter 4

"Is that so?" Frencia muttered and gave one last glance to her dress. "Carry my purse and bring it to my guest drawing-room."

Cataleya received the purse, glad that she can get away from the ball even for a bit.

However, just before she can make one step, a loud trumpet sounded. It was followed by an announcement of the entrance of the emperor and the envoys from the southern kingdom.

The nobles parted to give way for the arriving emperor and the rumored duke from the south. Everybody thought that the emperor won't be attending the ball because of the meeting on-going between the south and east kingdom.

Cataleya's heart began to beat wildly after seeing for herself the man who killed her countless times in her dreams. She wondered if the duke ever looked more handsome in person than on her dreams before. She had no idea as she stood still behind the gushing noble ladies who were enamored by the duke's appearance.

Wearing a royal blue robe complemented very well his jet black hair combed backward which looked neat and snappy. Cataleya was unsure if she saw the glint on his eyes very well but she thought it was in deep scarlet hue, like newly spilled blood. The eyes of the only heir of the Cross's ancient magic. A duke who holds a power more dangerous and potent than the four emperors combine. He's certainly the one no one should mess up with.

And as for Cataleya, she should not even dare stare at his eyes, certain enough that those who have the power really intimidate someone regardless of ranks.

"Please help me welcome duke Adelard Cross, head of the envoy from the southern kingdom." the emperor declared when he got on his throne and beside him was his son, the crown prince. There were loud claps among the nobles in the party and the duke only gave an almost subtle nod in response as if he was only forced to be in there. "As you all know, the duke expresses his desire to search for a woman to be his duchess and I see every noble lady tonight shall have the chance to know the duke with a dance."

Cataleya had no idea why the duke seemed to dislike the idea of dancing to the ladies when the emperor clearly said that he expressed his interest into finding his future duchess among the noble ladies for the night. 'Well, good luck to you sir.' she thought upon seeing that there were many princesses and high-ranking noble ladies so eager to dance with him.

After the emperor's announcement, a piece of music then filled the air which signaled the beginning of 'the selection'. Cataleya on the other hand, silently left the main floor and slipt her way out from there, and planned to go to the drawing-room to put Frencia's purse in there. She'll just wait there until the ball is over.

"Whew!. Why is this too far away from the ballroom?" Cataleya asked herself and collapsed to the settee there. She placed Frencia's purse on the table and closed her eyes in the process. She missed her bed and the stacks of books she needs to read to know more about her situation. Why did she magically go to another time era? And what should she do to go back to the modern world?

"I wish I have my phone," Ruby said mostly to herself.

"What's a phone?"

Cataleya was startled at the man's voice inside the room. "This is a woman's drawing-room." She pointed out after she recovered.

"I believed there's a mix-up, milady. This room is clearly duke Cross's waiting space."

Hearing that, Cataleya bolted up and nabbed the purse on the table. "I apologize. I didn't know." she ran towards the door but the man in a knight's uniform blocked her path.

"It's alright. The duke is pretty occupied for the moment. You can have your rest while you're here. I'm Stefan. Chief Knight of the Cross's."

"I...Uhm...please don't ever mention this to the duke or anyone. I can't mess up this ball or my father will be sent me straight home." Cataleya pleaded.

"I won't say anything to anyone at all. Please have your rest. You seem to dislike social gatherings for you to have a rest instead of grabbing the chance to dance with the duke or the prince." Stefan said when Cataleya relaxed herself back on the couch. "Or is this your plot to seduce duke Adelard?"

"What? I would never ever do that. Especially if it's someone like him."

"Like him?"

"A blood-thirsty man who swings his sword whenever he likes!... Oh, shoot." Cataleya regretted blurting out. "Don't tell him that."

Stefan only chuckled at her. "What a peculiar lady you are. Don't you desire the power that comes from having an acquaintance with the duke?"

"It's not my goal in this life." Cataleya only said.

"Shame then," Stefan said with a light heart. "Please have your rest before you leave. I shall attend the duke in the ball again. If you might excuse me."

"Oh please go and I'll thank you later for letting me use the room," Cataleya said and Stefan only bowed before leaving from there.

"He's decent for someone assisting a tyrant," Cataleya muttered.


Stefan knew very well that the duke was holding back from making an irate expression when he dealt with the advances of the parents who introduced their respective daughters to him.

"This is my beloved Frencia Antonette whom the emperor saw with high regard." Comes one Baron who proudly strutted to everyone about how he was a closed relative to the reigning sun of the empire.

"A pleasure." the duke said without as much as to coat the boredom on his voice.

Stefan should be happy enough to see the duke was properly accepting to dance with each and every noble maiden presented to him. He quietly observed the surrounding while standing guard at the corner near the wide window.