Chapter 34: Is It Your Trump Card Of Mandatory Order

Cassie, who was far away from New York, was happy about her tenderness with Adam, but she was shocked when she heard of this sad news. For a long time, Irish thought she would die since she lived in a muddle every day. She repeatedly thought that if she could persuade Adam to wait for others in Kathmandu, then there wouldn't be such a catastrophe. She could breathe the fresh air or just bask in the sun in Kathmandu with him. Or maybe she could check out their equipment, and maybe she would find out the problem with the damn lock. Being upset, she deeply reprimanded herself.

After Hearing this, Fredrick kept staying with her. Though he never met with Adam, he hoped he was still alive. After all, Fredrick was a psychologist, and with his company, Irish finally walked out of that painful melancholy.