Chapter 46: How Shrewd He Was

At the same time, with a smile, she had tied the necktie around his neck at super speed. Joseph wore only a thin silver-gray shirt without a tie that day, making it easier for her. He sat there motionlessly, letting her bully him. For a moment, he caught a scent, and her long hair poured over his chest. Even though the cloth, he could feel the slight coolness of her touch.

Having no idea what he really thought, Irish's eyes and hands fell on his tie, thinking about how to save the unfavorable situation, and pressed the plea out, then her attitude became good. "Look, you helped me push the car and then paid for it to be repaired, which is very kind of you. I've been waiting for you for a long time today, but you've also been waiting for me to wake up. I've fixed your tie now, so we're even."