Chapter 57: You’re Scaring Me

Jay held his pistol tightly and approached them, "Warrior, you want to play? Okay, let's play!"


"Stop, otherwise, I will shoot her!" The suspect shouted at him like a mad dog and pulled the trigger directly.

"Wait a minute!" The woman spoke and pointed at Jay, "You, you didn't take my life into consideration? Isn't there any negotiator just like that on TV series? Hey, I don't want to die."

Jay felt a headache from her shouting, looking that the suspect is giving a murderous look. The only thing he could do was stop and return to his original position.

"Sir, asking a negotiator for help, really?" His partner hesitated.

"Call my cousin." Jay grit his teeth.


"Call her quickly!" Jay shouted.

His subordinate had to follow his command.