Chapter 59: Why Is She So Angry?

"Shut up? You should thank me for telling you this, Willy. If you go back with the police, perhaps you can be turned into a dirty witness, the sentence can be lenient, and at least you can tell your child openly that you knew your mistakes and changed them. But why are you taking a hostage now? This is a blatant confrontation with the police! If you hurt the hostage accidentally, then nature will change, and there will be another crime, an intentional killing. You say you are right? Do you want your wife to go to your grave with a big belly?" Irish slightly squinted, speaking faster and faster, intending to stimulate him.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up! Shut the fuck up! I'll kill you first!" Willy was completely enraged by her words, and the pistol originally pointing at the hostage was aimed at Irish.
