Chapter 63: She Was Described As Sexy

Irish looked into Cassie's eyes and almost blurted out that Ruby and the whole Lake family didn't deserve happiness. She held back. Cassie didn't know the whole story.

"Do you really think of me that way? You're far too sensitive."

"I was just startled by what you said. What's the point of paying so much attention to his marriage?" Cassie was a warm-hearted girl, and she would never understand her best friend making a mistake in life. "Just remember, he's your boss, so your relationship is simple. Keep that in mind. It looks like I have to watch out for you."

Irish felt helpless and wanted to laugh. Why was she someone who always seemed to be wrong?

"Well, will you die if you don't talk about it? Let's have a good drinking night."

"Oh my god, again?" Cassie was pulled into the wine area by Irish.