Chapter 65: You’ve Had Enough Alcohol Tonight

Irish was right, Joseph did not send her back home.

With a drunken woman in his arms, Joseph was also deeply confused. He didn't know the real reason why he took her into his resting room directly instead of sending her back. Maybe it was because she was too drunk to go home, or it was an excuse for him that he was reluctant to send her away, just as Irish said.

Putting her on the bed, Joseph held his hands at the edge of the bed and looked at her sleeping there with her eyes still open slightly. They could see each other. Irish smiled and tried to touch his face with her fingers. Joseph still gazed at her without moving.

However, the next second, Irish covered his eyes, and he could only hear her laughing.

Joseph couldn't do anything but pull her hands away.

"When you look into my eyes, it really makes me feel flustered." She raised herself on her elbows, and in this way, her cheeks were less than one centimeter away from his.