Chapter 71: This Is Ridiculous

"I knocked several times. You didn't hear me, so I came in." Ruby looked a little scared.

Irish said sourly, "What? The general manager is not on duty, and his wife is coming here to inspect my work. "Joseph had flown to South Africa last Sunday.

"Don't get me wrong. I know nothing, how am I qualified to inspect your work?" Ruby carefully looked at her, gently, "I came to find you. See, you're back at work. Our Dad wonders if we can get together for dinner in our old house tomorrow night?"

Irish sneered, "Are you naive, or do you think I am forgetful?"

"Dad has been talking about it for a long time, would you permit it?" Ruby said earnestly, "His health has been getting worse and worse, and that's okay if you just show up for a while. "

Irish's coldness was still not dissipated. Ruby was also embarrassed at seeing her reluctance, sighing lightly, "Think about it, anyway, there is still a whole day left."