Chapter 88: I Told You, Don’t Move

It sounded like he was still slightly drunk from his low voice.

The light reflected off the water drops on her startled face. When she ensured that Joseph had left, she rushed to the door, closing it, relieved.

Irish was shocked by him since she thought he was already drunk and couldn't move. However, now she was out of the mood to keep bathing, and after rushing for the shower handle, she put on the home clothes and then walked out of the washroom.

Joseph was still lying on the bed with a thin blanket covering him. He seemed to hear the movement from Irish and asked with his eyes closed, "What time is it?"

Irish, who was considering laying down on the couch tonight, rushed to him and said wrathfully, "It's half-past one o'clock in the morning."

"Give me some water." His profound voice sounded magnetic.