Chapter 92: Don’t Let Me See You Again

At the next moment, Fredrick kept Cassie, who almost rushed to fight, leaving her only to scream, "I will kill you!"

"Man, your girlfriend is fierce. I think you should break up with her quickly." Roy kept smiling, looking at Fredrick as if nothing had happened.

Fredrick only wanted to take away Cassie and also did not listen to this man's words, but these words made Cassie even angrier, "Shameless toy boy! You dare to urge us to break up. Why are you doing fucking things? I curse you so that there is no woman desiring to give you a son!"

"Cassie, come with me." Fredrick knew her.

She was seldom angry, but it was scary when she was irritated, so he dragged her.

Roy always smiled, looking at Cassie to be more and more distant, and made a goodbye gesture toward her.

"Don't let me see you for the third time, or I will kill you!" Cassie's curse reverberated through the air.
