Chapter 95: Rare Gems

Irish took a good lesson, nodding repeatedly, and she had to say this pair of earrings was really beautiful.

The Blossom's pigeon blood ruby earrings started at $1 million, with a price increase of 500 thousand each time. Soon someone offered a low price, followed by another fixed price. When the earrings finally reached $2.5 million, Irish thought it was going to be done, not expecting the first bidder to raise it to $3 million. Finally, she won the pair of pigeon bloodstones.

Irish was surprised, subconsciously, to find the bidder, who looked smart. Irish leaned forward to Joseph's ear and whispered, "Who is that woman? She's so rich."

"The money is not hers but her boss." She liked the closeness, and his tone was softer. "The real bidder is Sid. The woman is just his assistant."

Irish was shocked. She had heard of Sid, not expecting him to participate in the auction.