Chapter 122: Why Should I Feel Humiliated?

Irish put her coffee spoon beside and said, "He was my individual case. I remember him. "

"So he really went to see a psychologist..." Ruby got nervous and upset.

Irish didn't say anything. As the waiter served all the dishes on the table, she began to enjoy it. Actually, she didn't care about Ruby's expressions at all.

"What did he say to you?" Ruby asked suddenly.

Irish looked up and said coldly, "Sorry, that is confidential, so I can't disclose it to anyone." She remembered this man because a good-looking man could always be impressive. He came and asked her a very strange question, and then didn't come anymore. But she talked to him a lot that day.

Ruby knew that she could not get any information from her, so she had to give up. She took the phone back and then fiddled with her dessert, staying silent.