Chapter 128: The Vivid Details Of The Crime

Irish appeared to be even more serious through the rain and the mist. Someone close by was reproaching others. It was a legal medical expert. He might have blamed his apprentice for his inexperience in a case like this. This legal medical expert also looked terrible, trying his best not to vomit. As for Irish, the coldness in her deep heart was beyond the feeling of nausea. She looked back at the body dug out from the soil and found that this woman had been fragmented into four parts. Her two arms were put on the left, while two legs were on the right. The main body was in the middle, and her head was placed above them. It looked like she was saluting her own body.

How could one conduct such a cruel action toward another? She thought.

"Bernert." Irish squatted down and looked at him, "It's the same, right?" She asked it again seriously.

Bernert nodded weakly with fingers shaking heavily.