Chapter 130: You Scared My Woman Away

She was not accustomed to other beds and couldn't have a good sleep in a bed that was not hers. And now, these terrible noises made her suffer even more. Unable to endure it any more, she found a hard object to pound on the wall forcefully, and then the noise stopped for a while.

She took a deep breath, but as she sat back down in bed, the noise in the next room broke out again. This time the shouting was louder.

Cassie was so annoyed. She rushed out of the room and closed the door as she walked to the next room, completely out of patience. However, they still continued regardless of her anger.

She immediately thought of making a complaint to the hotel. But then she thought that she knew that he was a captain, and if he was actually a psychopath, he would seek revenge on her later. And as she thought of this, Cassie got the chills. Because she had been with Irish for such a long time, she also heard of something evil in the world.