Chapter 138: Come On

"I know. That man gave it to her, so my mother loved it," She took a deep breath and secretly pressed down the tears rising in her throat.

"In that case, you should understand the meaning behind this watch. She left the watch to you for you to forgive your father."

"Joseph, have you ever experienced betrayal from someone you love and trust? That's what Henry did to my mother. It's easier to put it down than hold on, easier to accept than hate, I know better than anyone else. In my clinic, I've told my clients that dozens of times." Her tone was low, clasping her watch, the vibration of the watch hands beating with the pulse in her palms. "But how much pain does someone have to go through before they are justified to hate another? No one is born to hate. Because of one's expectations, there is too much to hate after being betrayed and hurt."