Chapter 140: Tell Me What You Want?

Irish knew that this day would come, it was just a matter of time.

From the day she agreed to join the Runestone Group, she knew that she wouldn't declare war secretly. She could ignore the ambiguous eyes of her colleagues, as well as the gossiping about her, in order to declare war openly on the woman who indirectly killed her mother.

Now the day had finally come.

When Shirley ignored Ruby's persuasion and rushed into her office, Irish was discussing psychological training for new employees with Daisy. When their discussion was interrupted, Daisy turned around and was astonished when she saw Shirley but soon calmed down.

Compared to Daisy's astonishment, Irish could only be described as placid. She leaned on the chair while her severe eyes fell on the face of the panicked assistant who stood behind Shirley. "As my assistant, don't you know that patients can't enter my office without an appointment?"