Chapter 149: Eat This

"Tomorrow morning?" She looked at him hesitantly.

"Yes, tomorrow morning." He repeated himself and then began to feed her gently. "I'll stay here tonight. You can call me if you need, and I will stay in the living room." 

Irish was astonished and said, "You can't stay here for the whole night."

"But you need me." Joseph put down the spoon and continued, "And I'm worried about you."

If life was a magnificent symphony, then Irish was experiencing a soft movement at this moment after a loud and chaotic one. Her indignation, combined with the pain caused by Joseph when he had rushed to Ruby, was tangling in her body. She didn't understand why she was still hurt since everything went as she had expected. Joseph's presence, as well as his care and the porridge he brought her, relaxed her. In short, her pain was alleviated significantly.

He was right that she needed him.