Chapter 159: Why Didn’t You Answer The Phone?

He met her for dinner.

The dinner went very well, and Irish almost forgot she was being tortured by the media. She had a good appetite and felt happy. She said a lot of things, telling him stories of treating patients overseas and tales of when she was teaching at college and how much difficulty she had getting along with Blair and Cheska. She said she talked about her colleagues and her friends but didn't say anything about herself.

Because of this, Fredrick was anxious.

Irish was smiling gently, the light in her eyes dancing like the stars, "Fredrick, I've talked way too much, and I'm thirsty. My voice is almost hoarse."

Fredrick knew that she was being evasive and simply expressed himself directly. "Well, if you won't say so, I'll ask directly. Do you have anything to do with Mr. Dover?"

"Yes. You know our relationship. He's my brother-in-law, and I'm his sister-in-law."

"You know that's not what I'm asking." Fredrick frowned.