Chapter 161: Do You Love Me?

Joseph got closer to her and asked again, "Who do you love? Adam or Fredrick?"

She opened her mouth but didn't know how to answer him. 

"Huh?" The man's solemn voice sounded again.

"Fredrick. It's Fredrick." Irish finally spoke out, the name lingering in her mind. She had averted eyes, and her thick eyelashes covered her lonely expression. She licked her lips and continued, "He has played an important role in my life. He helped me get through the hardest days abroad. I'm in love with him deeply, and I..."

His sudden kiss prevented her from continuing. Irish didn't expect it and felt her head buzzing. The man's breath that was so familiar and wild to her spread out around her. She tried to resist, but he held her head and embraced her with the other hand tightly.

He had kissed her before, but in the past, his kiss was gentle and considerate.