Chapter 163: Why Did She Get So Much?

Daisy put the last paper into her box and said meaningfully, "If I could have arrived in Pennsylvania earlier, he wouldn't have gotten drunk."

"Why?" Irish asked out of unconsciousness, but soon she felt that she had asked a silly question and actually knew the answer.

Daisy repeated the answer to her, "The biggest advantage as his assistant is that I don't have to see him being drunk every day. But sometimes, there are some banquets that cannot be declined, so I often drink for him instead. I don't know what happened that night, but I know he could have absolutely avoided drinking unless...." She stopped and looked at Irish with a meaningful expression. "Unless he had a reason to drink."

Recalling the situation that night, Irish clenched her hands, and her nails were embedded in her palms, but the pain in her palms still couldn't counteract the pain in her heart.