Chapter 169: Have You Eaten Yet?

Her friend looked at it and laughed, "Well, today is July 14. Tomorrow is the ghost festival in China. Starting tonight, there will be fireworks and lights on the river. What you see is the Buddhist woman of the ancient town. Every month and a half of the seventh and a half months of the lunar calendar, she can be found chanting on the river. The other ship is loaded with tinfoil ingots that will be burned tonight. This is the tradition of our ancestors. In July and a half, we fold the ingots and burn them. It's called 'forming ties with ghosts.'

Irish knew that it had already arrived at that point of the lunar calendar. People in modern cities had become used to living life at high speed and had long forgotten their ancestors' traditions. She sighed at the increasingly distant ships.

Chinese Taoists call it The Ghost Festival, and Buddhists call it the Obon holiday. On this day, almost half of China burns paper.