Chapter 176: I’ve Washed It For You

Joseph felt a little stunned and didn't expect that she would suddenly say anything like that. After a few seconds, he suddenly smiled. Irish felt even more awkward when she saw him laughing as if she had done something stupid.

"The reason I want to take a bath right away is that I just got soaked in the rain," He said patiently.

Irish turned red.

"But..." Joseph continued, "When did I tell you that I would never touch you?" He patted her on the head and turned around to take a bath.

Irish was stunned for a long time.

In the bathroom, the hot air made Irish's eyes hazy, and the air flowed with the soothing fragrance of essential oils. She soaked herself in the water, her hands shaking a little when putting the oil back, and the other oil bottles tumbled down. Her panic kept making her hands shake.