Chapter 178: It’s So Big

The temperature between the man's lips melted her and warmed up her entire body. As he opened his mouth to her ear lobe, the warmth of his tongue spread quickly. She could feel that the man's strong desire had become uncontrollable. She felt a gentle pain between her legs, but it stirred when the warm current reached her lower abdomen, and then a certain part of her body slowly became moist.

"Isabel," Joseph called her name softly beside her ear. His words were ambiguous while kissing her, but they were enough to shock Irish. "We can because Ruby and I are only married by name."

His kiss fell again after this remark, and gradually he moved down to her collarbone, and his big hands became more restless, unbuttoning her buttons one by one, and her dress slipped from her shoulders, revealing the infinite joy inside. His demeanor changed, and he was about to lower his head when Irish suddenly held his cheeks.

"What did you say?"