Chapter 190: Do You Believe That?

"Ah? Then what time is the flight?" She knew she had misunderstood him.

Joseph looked at her and patted her head, then replied, "You should go change your clothes, and then we can go to the airport."

"Oh." Irish seemed calm, but she didn't respond. It wasn't until Joseph stared at her with a bright smile that she realized the problem and asked, "Wait! I want to know how you got my passport?"

"When you put your suitcase in the hotel, I asked Daisy to take it away, or how else could I have ordered your ticket for you?"

"So you had already decided to take me to South Africa with you?" She was excited.

Joseph smiled and nodded.

"Then why did you still say you would give me some time to consider it?"

"As I said just now, I overestimated you." Joseph repeated and then added, "But I couldn't just leave my beloved woman here, even if you refused to tell me the truth."