Chapter 210: Are You Reluctant To Hear This?

"It is easy for you to say this, but it is not fair to our daughter." Shirley was unwilling to let this go and added, "He is so astute. He's out of order, and the woman is not Britney but Irish! Your bitch daughter!"

"Enough! Don't let other people get involved in this matter. We are talking about the issue of their divorce."

"Are you reluctant to hear this? Even a blind person could see that it is Irish who has taken the initiative to seduce Joseph. Do you know why Joseph decided to get divorced from Ruby? It must have been Irish who persuaded him to do that. I am not surprised." Shirley was extremely irritated and continued, "Don't think I don't know your thoughts. You still love Irish's mother, so you will cover for her no matter what she has done. But can you be fair? Ruby is also your daughter."