Chapter 219: You Decide

There were seven people to be interrogated in total, and she was the fifth.

When it was her turn, Jay asked her coldly, "What's your name?"

Lilith squatted there silently.

Jay stopped, looking up at her, and then repeated, "What's your name?"

She squinted at his face and couldn't wait to bite off his nose. She gnashed her teeth and answered, "Lilith."


Hearing this, she widened her eyes, gazed at his handsome face, and replied sharply, "You decide."

Jay looked up at her again expressionlessly and jotted down a note.


She still kept silent.

Jay slapped the pen on the table and frowned at her. He looked serious and said to her, "Please cooperate with me."

She had never seen him like this and drew back her neck in her collar like a turtle. "Twenty-three." She replied.

Jay took up and continued, "Why did you go there? Did you see anyone who sells drugs there?"