Chapter 232: You Don’t Know Who I Am?

Jay had always been silent, but when he saw the man sitting beside Lilith and hugging her, his face turned dark. One of his colleagues seemed to remember and reached out and patted Jay on the shoulder, "Did you bring this man back to the police station a few days ago?"

Jay turned a deaf ear to this and suddenly got up.

"Jay!" His colleagues froze and looked at his back as he walked towards the other booth.

Lilith was resisting Ben's impolite hands. She had to reach out against his chest, but it looked more like a play of hard-to-get-to him. Seeing her small, white, ruddy face, the debauchery in his bones was aroused, drawing himself closer to her.

"Don't be so quick to say no."

The smell of perfume went into her throat, and she resisted as if trying to avoid the plague. She wanted to scold him but heard a cold and unpleasant voice above her ask, "What are you doing?"