Chapter 261: We Have To Break Up

When it was over, Cassie still hadn't heard his answer. She thought her voice was so low that the surrounding noise swallowed it.

They spent a whole day at Disneyland and then had dinner together. Fredrick then brought her back home. As they entered her apartment building, Fredrick stopped but didn't open the door for her. The floor lamp light came on, illuminating half of his face while the other half remained dark.

Cassie took her bag from the backseat and looked at him, "Want to have a drink together?"

"No, thanks."

Cassie hesitated, "My parents want to have a chat with you." She gave an obvious hint to him. It had been a long time since her parents had come to New York, and Fredrick still hadn't arranged for their parents to have dinner together. She didn't know how to ask him the reason, so she just continued to remind him subtly.

Fredrick took a deep breath and turned to look at Cassie with a complex expression.