Chapter 264: Why Are You Trying To Cause Trouble?

Listening carefully, he found that there was no more rain. Every time he planned a trip, Daisy or Belle would have at least told him the accurate weather for the coming week. It was raining all day in Cape Town that day. In particular, the afternoon rainfall would exceed 50 mm, and the reason for his early departure was to get away from the rain as soon as possible before the storm hit. It was the opposite of where he wanted to go. As far as he knew, there was not going to be any rain in the afternoon south of Cape Town, so he was right.

While speculating about who the kidnappers were, someone pushed the door in, and Joseph listened carefully to the noise his footsteps made. It sounded like three people were coming in. One of them talked in well-spoken English, but he could not tell which dialect gave Joseph an important message: their background was not simple.

The man said, "Sir, he's awake."