Chapter 268: I’m The Only One Who Can Match You

After Irish had left the diamond store, Tuell sat in front of the tea case and sipped his tea. He did not rush home from work. Soon, his shop assistant knocked on the door and came in. When she saw Tuell sitting there musing, she did not immediately leave. Sitting opposite him, she hesitated and asked, "Uncle, what are you thinking about?"

In the shop, Tuell had always employed his relatives, but after his wife and children were killed, he dismissed all of them. At present, only one niece is left working at the shop. It was also a way to keep his relatives safe.

Tuell handed his niece a cup of tea. mulling it over, and said, "I was wondering if Joseph will be able to show up at the auction tomorrow."

"Do you wish for him to appear tomorrow?" Asked the niece after she took a sip of tea. 

Tuell's face twitched for a moment, and he put down his teacup. "If it were for our own sake, I'd like him to show up."