Chapter 276: Please Wake Up Soon

During that time, Belle was tired, and she did everything to fend off the reporters. Leo lay on a hospital bed temporarily added to the ward and saw that Irish was staring at Joseph. He felt bitter. He reached out and patted the bed vigorously, surprising Irish.

"You scared me." She said, fearing that he would disturb Joseph.

Leo said, "You promised me something after my donation! Where are my eggs? Where's the milk? I don't see even a cup of hot water!"

"What's the hurry? It's just a blood donation. You're acting like a woman who just gave birth?" But she got up and poured him the milk Belle had just bought and went up and handed it to him.

"I would never have given blood if I knew you were such a villain." Leo took the milk and frowned, "Why is it cold?"