Chapter 282: Reset The Password Yourself

Irish could see that he had no need to lie, and her tone returned to her usual coldness. "Are you going to sign or not?" To be honest, she hoped Alston would refuse to sign. Why give him 200 million? However, Irish could understand Joseph's practices. The mine was not totally empty. The M100-2, which could develop diamonds, was next to the M100-1, which the Runestone Group had already acquired. This was convenient for unified management, although the value of the second mine was far lower than that of the first. But it was better than nothing. Moreover, she had heard that Joseph also gambled with Vincent on it.

"Don't expect me to thank Joseph for this olive branch!" Alston took the contract, clenched his pen, thought for a long time, and finally then compromised, signing his name on each of the three contracts.