Chapter 294: Why Are You So Happy?

Cassie did not resist him but still stared at him. Through the sunlight, Roy looked even more handsome. She was confused that there were so many women around him, why was he always focused on her? She was not very young, and she also knew that there were no romantic love stories such as Cinderella and her prince. Therefore, she only longed for simple but lasting love. Wasn't it difficult?

Roy didn't know what she was thinking but was warmed by her gaze. The golden leaves were swirling over her head while the sunshine poured down her face, making her look less pale. He could kiss her easily as long as he lowered his head. Therefore, he did that.

He couldn't help lowering his head, pressing down to her lips. But when he was about to touch her lips, Cassie suddenly spoke to him with a cold and indifferent voice, "You came for me today just to kiss me?"