Chapter 299: I Have To Stay With You

During their trip to Johannesburg, the sky was as blue as jade and clear without any flaw. The helicopter flew through the broad sky, which looked as small as a dragonfly.

Irish liked this feeling of looking down from such a high altitude since she could see everything, which was why she loved climbing. When she stepped on the mountain, the wind blew on her cheeks which gave her a feeling of unnamed lofty joy. But she couldn't accept this sport after the nightmare that happened when she saw Adam fall from that mountain.

Thinking of this, Irish withdrew her gaze and wasn't in the mood to appreciate the scenery anymore. The memories about Adam had gradually vanished in her mind. She frowned slightly since she was not thirty years old yet, but she couldn't remember clearly what Adam looked like and only vaguely remembered the comfortable feeling of staying with him. It was the same as the feeling Joseph gave her.