Chapter 303: You Are No Better Than Me

Joseph still looked at him indifferently without saying anything. A wisp of smoke rose from the burning cigarette and soon vanished after reaching his chin.

"I came here to see you since you are so lucky." Leo leaned against the couch leisurely but didn't light the cigarette in his mouth. He fondled the lighter and showed a faint smile to Joseph. "Many people committed suicide from gambling in ore, but why are you not a part of them? Joseph, don't you think you might be too lucky?"

"Maybe." Joseph also leaned back with one of his hands holding his cigarette while the other rested on the couch. Two of his shirt buttons were undone, revealing his sturdy chest. Unlike Leo, he looked graceful and elegant as the dark sky, but his voice sounded cold.

Leo squinted and continued, "I'm really confused, why are you so lucky?"