Chapter 305: Love Is The Same

Her smile was as light as a gust of wind, only shown beside her lips, but it touched Joseph and made him feel uncomfortable. He frowned and grabbed his fingers. At this moment, he felt fretful without any reason. It might have been because of her smile or the loneliness and helplessness implied by her smile. He didn't know how to comfort her, so he just released his fingers and put them into his trouser pockets again. His slender figure seemed to stand up straighter.

Irish felt a little bit cold. The wind blew and brought the smell of wood that she was familiar with. She suddenly felt distressed. 

Joseph looked more handsome against the moonlight, but his tall and straight figure seemed lonely and melancholic. She wanted to embrace him tightly regardless of her hesitation and nervousness. But what she next did was ask the question that she hardly dared to know the answer to but had lingered in her mind for a long time.