Chapter 310: He Won’t Be The Best For You

The door of the lounge protected him from the noisy music outside, and it would make the woman's voice sound clear and gentle. In this way, Roy also felt gentle. 

However, the first words he heard were, "Roy. I have had enough of you."

The kick of vodka came, and it made Roy feel unreasonable. He became annoyed again, frowning and shouting, "Cassie, what on earth do you want me to do?" 

"Stop bothering me," Cassie said calmly.

Roy stared at the night scene outside the window, frowning. He was too intoxicated to say anything normally, "You will belong to me finally."

Cassie was silent and then said after a long while, "Roy, I will not pick up calls from you anymore."

The call dropped.

As he heard the dial tone, he realized what he had just said. So he just gripped his fingers and suddenly threw the phone into the wall.

The night outside the window stayed perfectly silent.
