Chapter 314: Who Are You?

When she answered the phone, the staff members spoke humbly.

Soon, a hearty lunch was delivered to her room; her favorite foie gras, Alaskan crabs, and asparagus soup.

For a moment, the pain sprang up again.

It was a sunny day, and Joseph had taken her to a famous restaurant in Cape Town to order foie gras. She was flattered, and though it was delicious, it was hard to cut.

He smiled, pinched her nose affectionately, and then started to cut it for her. From that day on, all the delicious things that were difficult for her to cut naturally became Joseph's job, on his own initiative.

The housekeeper cut the dish for her, and when Irish came in, he stepped aside and waited for further orders. Irish sat down and thought it would be lunch without flavor, but she was excited by her first bite. It was her favorite smell, which had never changed.

The sun poured in.