Chapter 317: I Just Saw Him Downstairs

The housekeeper could not understand what had happened to her and did not dare to say much, so he silently went to one side to place the flowers. Irish looked subconsciously at the flowers in the vase, and they were beautiful, pale white daisies. She inadvertently thought of the time when she was discussing flowers with Joseph.

She had said, "You never sent me flowers."

At that time, he was buried in a document. After hearing it, he looked up and smiled, "Well, what kind of flowers do you like?"

"That's insincere, think for yourself."

"Roses?" He guessed.

She gave him a hard look. "How vulgar can you be? I'm not like your lovers."

"Give me a hint."

She thought to herself, "These flowers bloom all year round, but the seasonal ones are the most beautiful."

His eyes smiled as if the sun were shining through them. "All right, I got it." 

Until now, he had never given her a bouquet of flowers.