Chapter 324: Come With Me

After hearing this, Irish was still confused and thought for a while since she really didn't know what she had done to Mr. Liang. After a while, she said hesitantly, "I don't remember doing anything to him."

"Yes, but you almost tortured me to death," Joseph replied helplessly.

"Huh?" She then reacted and said, "You mean I did some horrible things when I was drunk? But I remembered that I just slept quietly."

Joseph took a deep breath and embraced her into his arms for a second, and then took her into another room. They opened the door and went in.

"Wow, there is still a big room." Irish was surprised.

It looked like a study from its structure, with a floor-to-ceiling window from which they could see the scenery of the city. What was more shocking to her was a giant painting, which was the same width as the wall. Though it was a painting, it looked like embroidery of scenes with hills and rivers that looked very lifelike.