Chapter 326: You Are So Dramatic

"The money!" Irish replied without any hesitation. "I choose money." No matter how valuable the brocade or the metasequoia were, they had nothing to do with her, but she would have to pay so much money for them, and what was more important was that Joseph had paid a great amount of money for her. Since he was a profiteer, he would certainly ask her to do something for him. In short, what she was worried about was her future since she didn't know what kind of tricks he would play.

Hearing this, Joseph smiled meaningfully. He had expected it because she was a money grubber. Looking at his smile, Irish felt more anxious since she thought he wouldn't be happy after losing such a great amount of money. But why did he still smile? He must have made a plan already. Finally, she realized something was wrong and said hastily. "Wasn't it you who picked me up from the bar? But why was I alone when I was back at the hotel?"

Joseph was patient and asked, "What do you mean?"