Chapter 328: Don’t You Think I’m Correct?

"Do you want to repudiate this debt?"

"Joseph..." She suddenly moved into his arms and began to act like a spoiled kid, "You are my boyfriend, so you don't have to do this, I will not repudiate the debt. I really don't want to write you an IOU."

"But you always say that I am a profiteer," Joseph smiled secretly.

"I was just joking with you. Don't take it seriously."

She decided to use some soft tactics since she didn't believe that he was an iron-hearted man, so she buried her face into his neck and said, "I know I was wrong and made a big mistake and that you lost a great sum of money. But did you forget that it was me who helped you to acquire that blue-green diamond? It's much more precious than the brocade or the metasequoia. So why are you still forcing me to give you an IOU?"