Chapter 345: Cassie Was Saved

She had changed into the outfit Daisy bought, holding her old clothes in front of her, stained with Cassie's blood. Joseph looked down at her while she was wholly immersed in the light of the sunset, looking like a helpless bird, so lovely and pretty.

He sighed deeply.

Irish was surprised by the sound and slowly turned around. Seeing her biting her lips and with red eyes, Joseph lowered his hand to touch her face, saying softly, "You can cry if you want."

Irish's eyes soon filled with tears.

Joseph ached for her and lifted her up without hesitation, pulling her into his arms. Next, her tears fell down. The nervousness and concern she had been hiding had now turned into a flood of tears.

She finally burst out crying. She pressed her face in his bosom and embraced him tightly.

Joseph didn't say anything but kept one hand caressing her head, providing a silent spiritual comfort for her.

Irish cried sorrowfully as he comforted her silently.