Chapter 350: You Watched Her All Night?

The second client was a college student, he said that he was a spirit and could feel the cold and dirty things. Irish could see that he was just lacking care, wanting to use some of the difference to get people's sympathy.

The third client was a man who kept chattering. When he sat down, he talked endlessly. Irish finally had to interrupt him. He was angry, saying that he was spending money to talk to someone like her to become his garbage can. Irish listened, becoming annoyed, directly crossing her legs on the desk and leaning against the chair. The client didn't care about her behavior and was still talking. Gradually, he began to feel empty.

The fourth customer, who looked more normal than the first three, was 48 years old but looked like 84. He sent Irish a large bouquet of roses as soon as he came in. Irish felt scared, and an unknown scruple crept into her skin, so she hurriedly asked Christy to take away the flowers.