Chapter 370: Don’t Be So Anxious

"I didn't agree, and I won't go to the Lake family."

"But you just accepted his invitation, and how can you go back on your words?" 

"But I didn't even talk with him just now."

'Don't you know that silence always represents agreement?"

Irish was speechless while Leo continued, "It is rare for him to tell you his schedule." After finishing his word, he took a sip of the wine. But Irish's thought still stayed a moment ago, and she said slowly after a few minutes, "I want to eat the dessert." Leo smiled and then ordered some desserts for her.

After finishing that, Irish reached out and was about to take his wine but was soon taken back by Leo. "What are you doing?"

"I want some wine while eating desserts."

"But this is mine."

"Okay. Then please also give me a cup of wine." Irish handed an empty cup, but it was still taken back by Leo.

"What's wrong?"

"I will give you a cup of warm water." Leo smiled at her.