Chapter 380: You Are A Bitch From Hell

Shirley stared at Irish unpleasantly while Kelly said with a weak voice beside her, "Shirley, you'd better not bring trouble on yourself. Do you forget that Irish will come to eat lunch with us? You have to save face for Henry. Don't argue with her." If it wasn't because of the family gathering tomorrow, she would not have come out with Shirley at all.

Of course, they were members of this shopping mall, so they would only buy some luxuries in the mall, while Mary usually went shopping on the first floor and bought some commodities at par.

After finishing her words, Kelly stepped forward and said with a faint smile, "It is unnecessary to call the police. I'll compensate for you."

Mary did not hear the words that Kelly said to Shirley, so she sneered and said, "It is lucky enough that there is still a reasonable person."