Chapter 386: Why Did You Still Not Trust Me?

As expected, Irish fought back, but he did not expect that she would get him involved in it. Soon she added, "But have to remind you that it is not an easy job to be his wife. Perhaps he is staying with other women every time you miss him." Hearing this, Ruby turned dreary while Joseph felt helpless.

Henry slammed his cup off the table heavily in order to stop the fight between two of his daughters and said, "Well, it is time to eat."

Irish stood up first while Lilith soon followed her. Joseph was the last one to stand up, and when other people had all entered the dining hall, he pulled Ruby and whispered beside her, "Don't challenge my patience."

Ruby smiled and replied calmly, "Don't forget that you are also exploiting me."

Joseph loosened his hands, and it was hard to find the mood swings on his face. "You are not qualified to argue with her."