Chapter 388: He Was Always Eager To See You

The light of the crystal vessel reflected on her cheeks, and the long eyelashes gently slid down to cover the grief in the deep of her eyes. Her mother had never lived such a life during her lifetime. Putting her hands on the shelf, with her head lowered, her eyes closed, she felt as if a knife was being twisted in her heart which was so painful that it was hard for her to breathe.

There was the sound of footsteps behind her. She opened her eyes slightly and saw a leather shoe with her split vision, which she was familiar with. His shoes were all in the same style but in different colors and materials. She laughed at him before and said shoes should be in different styles, while he replied to her that as long as he was accustomed to a particular style, he would not change it anymore. Absolutely she was clear what he meant, and actually, it was his attitude to his lover.